The Project

This scenario is a community based project for cold war 2.
There was yet a "Trump's world" scenario for Cold War 1, made before the Trump's presidency. Now that the first Trump's mandate is over, it is time to add it to the Cold War 2 system!

In this scenario, if you pick the USA you will play as Donald Trump in 2017-2020. To win the game you will need to get reelected and have made America Great again (by earning more prestige points than Russia and China).

They made Cold War 2 Great Again :
(by alphabetical order):
  • Gil
  • Gloomy
  • Goldwater Guy
  • Laudetur
  • LD
  • Maxty
  • Mihail Gorbatchev
  • Murica
  • Pipo
  • Popov
  • Red Jar
  • Shobu "Crimean Savior"
  • Sovnarcom
  • Sparkz HD
  • Thomas XJ 9
  • Yeetosburritos

They all contributed to create this scenario

How to play

Game rules are the same as in Cold War 2.
The easiest way to learn is to watch this great video by Political Simulator United

Legal Stuff

Legal Disclaimer
This is a non profit hobby collective work intended only for everyone to have fun.
Any resemblance to real events may be totally unintentional.
Indeed, who may believe in a story where Donald Trump becomes president of the United States of America and leads the country during a Pandemy.
If ever you believe in a such a conspiracy theory, I have a proof for you :
If trump had been president of the USA, there would be some presidential tweet to prove it? You see? They are none!
(If you still don't believe us, we can do nothing for you, as you are living in a Simpson cartoon)